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                                                                                     Forum Rules 
1. Do not spam

Avoid posting or replying to threads with content unrelated to the thread or area of posting.
This includes bumping threads in order for a thread to receive more attention.
Do not bump old threads unless you have a relevant response for the thread.

2. Do not use inappropriate / offensive language

We try to keep a friendly environment. Therefore, very vulgar language is not allowed.
Try and be nice to everyone. Any language used with the purpose to offend someone will be removed.

3. Be respectful to other visitors, VIPs and staff

We try to be respectful to everyone here. We appreciate it when everyone does the same!
 The staff here work very hard. Please be respectful and patient.

4. Do not advertise. Limit external link posting

Advertisements and links to other cheat sites are absolutely not permitted.
External links can be posted if there is a relevant reason for posting them. Any spam or advertisement will be removed.

5. Do not post downloadable files

Posting or linking to downloadable files (executable files, viruses) is not permitted. Doing so can result in a permanent ban. If you have a file that you feel would be helpful to the community, contact a super moderator to get approval to post it.

6. You are responsible for everything you do and post

You are responsible for your account and everything that happens on it. Do not give anyone else access to your account.

7. No panhandling.

You are not allowed to ask for another user to purchase a subscription, or otherwise, for you on this website.

8. Buying, selling and trading is not to be advertised.

Threads and messages offering to buy, sell or trade anything are not allowed.

9. Avatar and Signature Rules

Any signature or avatar that contains content deemed offensive or inappropriate by a staff member will be removed without warning. Examples include racism, nudity or a signature that is too large in size or is distracting.

Use common sense when picking a signature size. Anything over 400px in height will be automatically hidden. Any signature that breaks the forum margins will be removed.

 10. Chargeback Policy

Fraudulently filing a chargeback, claim or dispute on a purchase is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban for doing so.

Any further purchases will also be automatically banned and blocked.

A purchase ban can be appealed by contacting a site administrator. Any fees incurred by EmpireCheats will have to be repaid in full before the ban will be lifted.

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